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Austria Homepage

EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. We provide information and support to researchers, entrepreneurs and research organisations. All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. Our web portal offers job, funding and hosting opportunities, career development guidance and much more.

If you wish to search for job opportunities or information about living in another European country, please visit the national EURAXESS portals in further 42 European partner countries or nine worldwide hubs. Get in touch!

European Prize for Women Innovators
The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe's most game-changing innovations. The prize awards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet.Since 2023
PostDoc researcher in a lab
The SASTE grant supports post-docs from Sub Sahara Africa working in the field of Agriculture, Forestry, Water Management, Renewable Energies, Nutritional Science, Human and Veterinary Medicine for a research stay in Austria. In case of strong involvement of Technical Sciences and IT in research
Light Bulb/Copyright: FWF/Pexels/Bertelli
Fortgeschrittene Postdocs können ab dem 15. Juli 2024 erstmals für die FWF-ASTRA-Preise einreichen. Die neue Karriereförderung soll besonders talentierten Forschenden den Sprung an die Spitze ihres Forschungsfeldes ermöglichen. Einreichungen sind bis zum 3. Oktober 2024 möglich, die

Austrian EURAXESS Centres

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

EURAXESS Worldwide

EURAXESS Worldwide offers researchers the opportunity to interact on a global scale. Whether you want to know more about European research policy, funding or further collaboration opportunities, EURAXESS Worldwide has dedicated teams across the world. You can find them in AfrikaASEAN (focus on Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), Australia and New Zealand, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC, focus on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia), China, India, Japan, Korea and North America (US and Canada).