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Guide on labour market integration of refugee researchers

Guide on labour market integration of Refugee Researchers

This guide addresses staff at research and higher education institutions as well as at EURAXESS Centres that work with refugee researchers. 

The information provided features results of the EURAXESS TOP IV Project Task 3.4. Refugee Initiatives of the following participating countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Austria, as well as results of the BRiDGEII Project. The BRiDGEII project was a two-year project funded under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020: Science4Refugees-Support to highly skilled refugee scientists with coordinator Bielefeld University (Germany).

Results from the EURAXESS TOP IV Project Task 3.4 have been published in the report "A modularly structured training programme for the labour integration of refugee researchers". 

Besides, some cases of good examples were selected through the EURAXESS network and the other projects funded by the European Commission.

Which topics will be addressed?

  • Counselling techniques for the work with refugee researchers
  • Basic legal information for refugee researchers
  • Early career development counselling

Please note that some of the programmes are no longer runninig. These programmes are marked with "completed". However, we have left them online as a source of ideas.

  • This section is primarily aimed at the staff of EURAXESS network members and staff working with refugee researchers in general. The guide is offering information for staff on how to support comprehensive career planning for refugee researchers in an early stage. It should assist in enabling refugee researchers to create their own individual paths and work towards a sustainable career in the host country be it inside or outside of research, while minimizing the threat of dequalification.


  • This overview ranges from information on language courses, support and information services for academic recognition to research and higher education funding programmes as well as to academic mentoring and training programmes available for refugee researchers.

  • This collection is a result of the BRiDGEII-Project. It includes information on existing career development services and career opportunities in the academic and non-academic sector in participating countries that could be of relevance for researchers at risk.

    Information on career development for researchers and organisations, including many tools and resources also on career opportunities outside academia as well as policy recommendations can be accessed on the EURAXESS website on career development.