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Guide on labour market integration of refugee researchers

Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers

The information in this guide aims at fostering the personal agency of refugee researchers. It should enable them to make the best use of not only their existing skills and professional experiences, but also of the relevant resources that are available to them in the host country.

Who should be working with this guide?

The guide addresses refugee researchers as well as staff at research and higher education institutions as well as at EURAXESS Centres that work with refugee researchers. 

The information provided features results of the EURAXESS TOP IV Project Task 3.4. Refugee Initiatives of the following participating countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Austria, as well as results of the BRiDGEII Project. Besides, some cases of good examples were selected through the EURAXESS network and the other projects funded by the European Commission.

Which topics will be addressed?

  • Counselling techniques for the work with refugee researchers
  • Basic legal information for refugee researchers
  • Early career development counselling

© Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

This guide is to help refugee researchers navigate through the relevant resources for career orientation and training available within Europe and therewith assist in the integration into the European labour market. The information ranges from language course to research and higher education funding programmes as well as to academic mentoring programmes.

Furthermore the EURAXESS Career development resources for researchers offers important information for career development for researchers, including many tools and resources also on career opportunities outside academia as well as policy recommendations.

As researcher you may also post your CV on the EURAXESS portal.




© Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

Support for Staff

This section is primarily aimed at the staff of EURAXESS network members and staff working with refugee researchers in general. The guide is offering information for staff on how to support comprehensive career planning for refugee researchers in an early stage. It should assist in enabling refugee researchers to create their own individual paths and work towards a sustainable career in the host country be it inside or outside of research, while minimizing the threat of dequalification.

For refugee researchers it is important to receive knowledge about legal procedures and access to the education sector, funding and employment for refugee researchers. Staff should make the refugee researcher familiar with the current situation in the respective country, available resources and perspectives.

Who should you involve?

  • experienced trainers can be recruited from a variety of sources, including public organisations or NGOs who provide legal counsel to refugees, ministries, international offices of research organisations and federal funding agencies
  • national employment agencies on the topics of access to labour markets, self-employment, and employee’s rights, as well as financial support;
  • scholarship agencies (depending on the national situation)

For legal counselling focus on:

  • The national asylum procedures, average duration of processes, statistics etc. and impact for refugee researchers;
  • The legal impact onto the chances of refugee researchers getting access to training measures, study programmes, and qualified employment;
  • Information on recognition of academic degrees: prerequisites contacts, added costs and financial support;
  • Create an overview of the legal situation regarding the access to higher education for refugee researchers, covering all stages and types of protection including:
    • impact of various types of protection on the RR
    • the ability of RRs to travel abroad for conference attendance or research stays
    • the impact of an application for protection on a possible later attempt to gain residence through employment and vice versa
    • the legal process, related costs and, if available, funding and support schemes related to access to study programmes and the recognition of qualification


For a comprehensive overview of asylum policies and practices in Europe visit

For input about the recognition of academic degrees: All national ENIC NARIC contacts can be found through the official ENIC NARIC page

Here you can find the EU list of regulated professions that require the possession of a specific professional qualification.




© Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

Useful Tools and Resources

This overview ranges from information on language courses, support and information services for academic recognition to research and higher education funding programmes as well as to academic mentoring and training programmes available for refugee researchers.



Here you can download d_3_4_a_modular_structured_training_programme_for_the_labour_integration_of_refugee_researchers.pdf

Career DEvelopment services' map
Career text with young woman on a blue background
© Euraxess

This collection is a result of the BRiDGEII-Project. It includes information on existing career development services and career opportunities in the academic and non-academic sector in participating countries that could be of relevance for researchers at risk.

Information on career development for researchers and organisations, including many tools and resources also on career opportunities outside academia as well as policy recommendations can be accessed on the EURAXESS website on career development.

  • Dutch Research Council (NWO Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
    With this short-term funding, refugee academics can join current research projects funded by NWO or ZonMw and build up a network. They can share knowledge and expertise, become familiar with the Dutch science system and restart their interrupted career or line of research. At the same time these academics enrich Dutch science with their expertise.

  • UAF
    The UAF has been providing support to refugee students and professionals in their studies and in finding suitable employment on the Dutch labour market since 1948. This organisation advises refugees based on their knowledge and experience, and builds bridges between refugees, educational institutions, (local) governments and employers.

  • AcademicTransfer
    AcademicTransfer is the job board for a career in research and higher education in the Netherlands; for every academic, at every stage in their career and in every sector. On AcademicTransfer, you'll find jobs in higher education, university medical centres, research institutes and the industry.



Here you can download the map as pdf: d_3_4_a_modularly_structured_training_programme_for_the_labour_integration_of_refugee_researchers.pdf