EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. We provide information and support to researchers, entrepreneurs and research organisations. All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. Our web portal offers job, funding and hosting opportunities, career development guidance and much more.
If you wish to search for job opportunities or information about living in another European country, please visit the national EURAXESS portals in further 42 European partner countries or nine worldwide hubs. Get in touch!
Give your career a boost
You can find thousands of job offers, funding opportunities and get free assistance when changing countries for work. Join the many researchers who have already taken advantage of EURAXESS and boost your career!
Find the best research talent
Are you looking for someone to join your research team? You can post your vacancies, look through CVs, and create partnerships on EURAXESS.
Maximise your potential
Have you got a great idea? Do you need help developing it? You can find partners in business and academia to help you get started and find out about patents, funding and more.
Create your path to success!
A range of tools and resources to support researchers’ careers and to help organisations to complement or enhance career development services for researchers.

Austrian EURAXESS Centres
EURAXESS Centres offer updated information and personalized assistance to researchers and their families in all matters related to their mobility and career development.
Find your nearest EURAXESS Center if you need further assistance.Here you can find a list of all EURAXESS Austria network members.

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

The ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ supports research institutions and funding organisations in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices. The implementation of the Charter & Code principles by research institutions renders them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project.
10 Austrian organisations have received the HR Excellence in Research Award.
EURAXESS Worldwide
EURAXESS Worldwide offers researchers the opportunity to interact on a global scale. Whether you want to know more about European research policy, funding or further collaboration opportunities, EURAXESS Worldwide has dedicated teams across the world. You can find them in Afrika, ASEAN (focus on Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), Australia and New Zealand, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC, focus on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia), China, India, Japan, Korea and North America (US and Canada).